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BNS Summer Reading 2018: Brooklyn Public Library Card Application


Library Card Application

July, 2017


Greetings from our BNS/BCS Library!


We hope this letter finds you in the midst of reading (on your couch, on a beach, with your child, on the subway, etc.).  We look forward to familiar and new faces coming up for more reading in  our lovely library this Fall.  


We have a library task for you to do this summer:  Please make sure that your child has an active Brooklyn Public Library card in a handy place.  


What?  You already have your library card and have been visiting Brooklyn Public Library, engaging in Summer Reading?  Fantastic!  If so, please write your child’s information below, check the box and return this sheet to your child’s teacher in September.


No worries if you have not had the chance or you’ve misplaced your card.  On the back is an application to help you get BPL’s MyLibraryNYC fine-free library card.  Be sure to fill it out and return it to any of their branches to get your card.


Why?  We plan to take some BNS classes on walking trips to our local branch starting in September.  Also, we invite BPL’s Kidsmobile to visit our school so students can check out books and get excited about Summer Reading.


While we have your attention, here are few library logistics.  We love library volunteers!  We have a variety of fun tasks.  Email our librarian, Susan (, if this interests you.  Mark your calendars: our annual Book Fair will be here September 25-29th.  Be on the look-out for library-themed family workshops during our Parents As Learning Partners.


Thank you for reading our letter!  Enjoy your summer.


Susan, Amanda, & Karen

BNS/BCS Library



Child’s Name: _______________________________  Teacher(s): _______________________


My child has a library card!



Library Card Application