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Books and Reading: Magazines That Publish Writing by Teens

Fiction and Nonfiction (levelled)


The Adroit Journal is run by high school and college students and publishes poetry, fiction, flash fiction, art/photography, and cross-genre works by adults and teens. They have a section focused on tips for young writers, as well as a number of opportunities available to young writers, the most notable being the Summer Mentorship ProgramIt is currently OPEN to submissions of Poetry, Prose, Art, and Interviews & Reviews, and will remain open to all four through October 31, 2022.

Cast of Wonders is a young adult short fiction market, open to stories up to 6,000 words in length, that they publish in a podcast format. They have detailed submission guidelines but are particularly open to work by young writers. Learn more here.

Daphne Review publishes writing and art by individuals between the ages of 13-18. To learn more go here.

Elan accepts original fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, screen writing, plays and visual art from students in grades 9 through 12. They publish two online and one print issue a year. You can learn more here.

Let's Say Gay is a new journal designed for the entire generation of young people being systematically silenced by discriminatory laws. It  is open to queer artists between the ages of 13 and 18, and is currently accepting short fiction, flash fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, visual art, and photography. LSG’s submissions are open this year from April 17th-June 1st. Submissions are free. Please submit all entries via email at Learn more here

Levitate is the literary magazine of Chicago High School for the Arts. Learn more here. It is open for submissions starting November 1, 2021 and close on February 28, 2022, allowing for a print production date in early May.

Lunch Ticket is an established and respected publication from Antioch University has a special category for writers between the ages of 13-17. You can see what they have previously published by going to their school lunch archive. You can submit here.

One Teen Story publishes four stories a year. Stories are written by teenagers and have to be submitted as part of their yearly contest. Entry is free, the winners are paid, and the next contest opens up in Fall 2020. Learn more here. The One Teen Story Teen Writing Contest opened September 6th, 2022 and will close November 27th, 2022.

Parallax Online is a high school student-edited literary magazine featuring original fiction, non-fiction, poetry, plays and screenplays, as well as book reviews and author interviews. Edited by the Creative Writing Department at Idyllwild Arts Academy, they publish work by teenagers world wide. Learn more here.

Polyphony Lit is an international literary journal run by and for teens is only open to submissions from high-schoolers. You can learn more here. Submissions for Volume 19 are open on the following schedule:

  • Reading Period 1:  July 1 - September 30, 2022
  • Reading Period 2:  November 1, 2021 - January 31, 2023
  • Reading Period 3 :  March 1 - April 30, 2023

The Start publishes works of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry focused on a young adult reader. They publish work by adults and high-schoolers. To learn more go here.

Teen Ink is a print magazine and website that publishes work by teenagers intended to be read by teenagers. They have extensive submission guidelines and require registration but they are open to a wide variety (and lengths) of writing. Learn more here.