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Summer Reading 2018 BCS: Summer Reading Assignments

Summer Reading Assignments

Summer Reading Assignments

This summer, make time for reading every day. Try a new genre, start a new series, or explore a new topic with some nonfiction. Don't lose the reading skills you worked so hard to build over the school year. Reading even a little over the summer will help strengthen your skills for September.

Your goal is to read 6 books. Choose at least 3 from the BCS Summer Reading List. Make a list of the books you plan to read, even if it changes by the end of the summer. It is a starting point for how you will continue your independent reading life after June 26. Your ELA teachers will collect your lists on the first day of class.

Extension Assignment

Lower Grades (6-8) Extension Assignment 

Dear Students,

You can receive extra credit in September if you do at least one page of writing for some or all of the books you read over the summer. The more books you write about, the more credit you can receive! You must write about one of the literary elements for each book: character, setting, theme, mood, plot, point of view, and/or author's craft. 

Choose a different literary element for each book you read. In your writing, explain:

  • Why the literary element is important
  • How it is developed
  • Any changes that happen from the beginning to the end of the book. Remember to include textual evidence and analysis. 

Happy Summer Reading!  

Your ELA Teachers,

Candice, Sheila, June, Jane, Devon, Christina, Betsy, Josh, and Lauren

Extension Assignment

Upper Grades (9-12) Extension Assignment 

Dear Students,

If you would like to receive an RFL grade of 95% the first week of classes, write one page per book (for at least 4 books) on the following prompt: 


Choose setting, conflict, or a character in this book: trace how the author develops it

across the story, while connecting this development to major themes of the book.


Remember to include textual evidence and analysis.


Have a happy, healthy, book-filled summer. Looking forward to seeing you in September!

From your ELA teachers,

Angela, Tamika, Sheryl, Phill, Dwight, and Andrew



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List of Summer Reading Books

Due in September to your ELA teacher





Approximate Date Book Was Finished





































